Privateer honored by Fast Company as one of ’29 companies that prove you can make a difference from the outset’

May 10, 2023
Privateer and its Wayfinder tool, which is at the forefront of the effort to track and visualize space debris, were honored in Fast Company’s 2023 World Changing Ideas Awards in two categories: On the Rise and Small Business.
The awards focus on projects deemed to be “making the world more equitable, accessible, and sustainable.” On the Rise specifically highlighted projects delivering an outsized impact from companies that have been in business for fewer than four years, while the Small Business category was dedicated to organizations with fewer than 100 employees.
“The projects we honor in the World Changing Ideas Awards are more important than ever,” Fast Company Editor-in-Chief Brendan Vaughan said. "You and your fellow honorees are playing an important role in building a better world. We’re proud to support the bold ideas you’re working on.”
Wayfinder, the first of many apps to be built on Privateer’s data engine, is open access at no cost and updates in near real-time. By mapping satellites and debris in Earth orbit with unprecedented accuracy and transparency, Privateer is focused on making space predictable, safe, and sustainable — paving the way for the rapid growth of space exploration and commerce.